Follows the story of Zack Fair, a young warrior admired by the boy destined to save the world. The tale of Zack's dreams and honor, the legacy that connects him to Cloud is revealed in full in this grand saga that has broken the limits of an HD remaster. Play Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion on PlayStation 5.
--- Overview ---
CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION on PS5 is an enhanced remaster of the beloved PSP classic, bringing Zack Fair’s epic journey to a new generation of fans with stunning improvements. Set as a prequel to the original Final Fantasy VII, the game follows Zack’s journey as he uncovers hidden truths about Shinra Corporation, the enigmatic SOLDIER program, and his own fate. With updated visuals, fully voiced characters, and streamlined combat, the experience is more immersive than ever.
The game’s combat system has been overhauled to feel smoother and more responsive, allowing players to execute powerful attacks and limit breaks seamlessly. The Digital Mind Wave (DMW) system has been refined, adding layers of strategy to battles as players unlock abilities and summon legendary creatures. Reunion also brings cinematic cutscenes that elevate key moments in the story, enriching the emotional connection to the character's journey.
In addition to the stunning HD graphics, the soundtrack has been reorchestrated, bringing a fresh feel to iconic tracks. Whether you’re a returning fan or a newcomer, CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION offers a thrilling journey into the world of Final Fantasy, filled with mystery, sacrifice, and heroism.
Experience the Origins of Final Fantasy VII
Uncover secrets of Shinra and embark on Zack Fair’s journey.
Enhanced Graphics and Reorchestrated Soundtrack
Enjoy stunning HD visuals and new arrangements of iconic tracks.
Refined Combat and Cinematic Storytelling
Immerse yourself with upgraded combat mechanics and voice-acted cutscenes.
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Amreciana Plaza
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7 Wadi El Nil st, intersection with Gameet el Dewal, infront of Emirates NBD Bank and beside Samsung
6th Of October
Green park mall, infront of 6th october sports club, at 26th of July Corridor
Alexandria City Centre
Cairo Alex Desert Rd, Qetaa at Tarik as Sahrawi, Amreya 1, Alexandria Governorate 5258730
City Stars
Citystars in front of Gate 5, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate
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