Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch

Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch
Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch

Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch

EGP 2699.00

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Product Information

Samus Aran, the intergalactic bounty hunter, investigates Tallon IV planet after receiving a distress signal from a wrecked frigate in orbit around it. She soon finds out that the frigate is a Space Pirate research vessel home to terrifying genetic experiments. Samus now has to encounter her nemesis, Meta Ridley, and investigate the dark secrets of Tallon IV.

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Nasr street, in front of SAIB Bank Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Point 90

Point 90 Mall, in 3nd Floor, in front of cinemas, 5th Settlement Cairo, Egypt

Amreciana Plaza

Amricana Plaza, in front of IMax Cinemas, El Sheikh Zayed, 6 October Giza, Egypt


7 Wadi El Nil st, intersection with Gameet el Dewal, infront of Emirates NBD Bank and beside Samsung

6th Of October

Green park mall, infront of 6th october sports club, at 26th of July Corridor

Alexandria City Centre

Cairo Alex Desert Rd, Qetaa at Tarik as Sahrawi, Amreya 1, Alexandria Governorate 5258730

City Stars

Citystars in front of Gate 5, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate

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Metroid Prime Remastered - Nintendo Switch can be Delivered to Your Home with Cash on Delivery Service
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