Celebrate the iconic and hilarious Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes with the Daffy Duck Keychain Medal. Featuring his signature look and zany personality, this keychain is a must-have for any Looney Tunes fan. Carry a piece of the classic cartoon fun with you wherever you go.
Daffy Duck Keychain Medal from Looney Tunes
--- About the Keychain ---
Celebrate the iconic and hilarious Daffy Duck from *Looney Tunes* with the Daffy Duck Keychain Medal. Featuring his signature look and zany personality, this keychain is a must-have for any *Looney Tunes* fan.
Attach it to your keys, backpacks, or purses and carry a piece of classic cartoon fun wherever you go!
Add the Daffy Duck Keychain Medal to your collection and enjoy the hilarious charm of this beloved character!